Note change of date from 4th to 11th due to Easter Holiday
Meet at Howden Park Centre for 10:30 start.
Route Map
The route is mix of the Livingston path network , quiet minor country road and surfaced track.
The distance is about 16 miles. You can also meet up and drop off at any part of the route and cycle as far as you feel comfortable with.
There is no need to wear special cycle clothing, something comfy. Jeans are not recommended. Take a waterproof, snacks and bottle of water, spare inner tube and small tool kit for your bike. Ensure your bike is in good working order. Recommend checking the bike over the day before the ride. checking brakes work, the chain is lubricated, and the tyres set to the correct pressure, it makes cycling easier.
To let us know how many to expect, add some details to Contact Us form. It does not commit you to attending.
Post Ride
After a week of warm sunny weather Saturdays forecast was showing a mix of sun with occasional showers and winds of 20mph.
11 turned up including 3 newcomers. Some others probably looked at the forecast and decided not to come this time. Always a tricky decision when the forecast looks doubtful, maybe next time.
We set off in a cool breeze with blue skies and as we approached the short climb at Skivo the skies to the west darkened and soon turned to sleet blowing into the face as we headed west. As we quickly descended from Harburn blue skies reappeared. It was nice to get to the to the warmth and shelter at West Calder Community Centre.
The return was with a sunny tail wind along the partly completed Councils & Sustrans match funded Community Links cycle path between West Calder and Polbeth.
Apart from the soaking sleet the day was sunny if a bit breezy and cool.
It's not that you are "stuck in a traffic jam." It's that you are the traffic jam ! (Harry Horse, SH 05/02/06)