Cycling in Livingston

In 1987 legislation was passed to enable the footpaths in Livingston to be used for cycling except at identified footbridges where cycling is prohibited for safety reasons (source; Leaflet entitled Cycle Routes in Livingston published in 1988 by Lothian Regional Council)

There are 144mls (230km) of traffic free walking and cycling routes (source: Spokes 2018 West Lothian Cycle Map). Thanks to these routes, it is possible to get to virtually any point in Livingston without having to cycle on any road. The routes are well signed and offer an opportunity to travel to local facilities safely and quickly by bike and to discover a Livingston that is mostly hidden to car travellers. National Cycle Network route 75 (Edinburgh - Glasgow) runs through West Lothian (Blackridge, Armadale, Bathgate, Livingston, Kirknewton). This route forms the main route in Livingston. The Livingston path network spreads off and to it.

Cycling to Work

It is possible to cycle from anywhere in Livingston to any workplace in about 20 minutes, and in many instances may be quicker (and cheaper) than driving.


West Lothian Town Cycle Maps (middle of the page)

Plan a journey using Cycle Streets for West Lothian

Cycle Streets Photomap shows photos of Cycle Infrastructure in West Lothian and elsewhere and some of the greener bits of the Livingston path network to show there is more to it than roads, houses and factories.

Paths and Signage Issues, its worth reporting

Anyone who cycles on the Path Network in West Lothian will be aware of the problem of broken glass, usually in the same locations, underpasses, secluded seated areas. For this and other problems contact the council on REPORT IT 

or use

FIX MY STREET (There is also and App) no sign in needed, which sends a report to the relevant council. Using this will allow everyone to see if it has already been reported. If possible note the unique number on the nearest lampost, road sign or other street furniture. It should be 2 letters and 2 numbers in a square. On the occasions they have been contacted it has been done in a few days.

Canal path issues - Scottish Canals

Borrow a bike with West Lothian Bike Library

West Lothian Councillor flabbergasted

Spokes Lothian meeting scroll down for WL


Local Interest

Calderwood West Lothians ancient woodland

Meet You at the Hippos on BBC iPlayer. New town street sculpture, some you may have seen in Livingston

Livingston Skatepark World famous skate park bids to become listed site. Also "Concrete and Curves" for BBC radio documentary about it and street sculpture we pass.

Howden Rock Ramp The UK's largest rock ramp

"Bicycling is a big part of the future. It has to be. There's something wrong with a society that drives a car to work out in a gym" ~ Bill Nye